Monday, February 13, 2012

Significant sentences from Book Two THE REVELATION

  • "Some of us are in the ground now and some are above it, but we're all women, made of the same scarred earth." Orleanna Price, pg 89.
  • "God was testing him like Job, he declared, and the point of that particukar parable was the Job had done no wrong do begind with." Orleanna Price, pg 97.
  • "He was hardly a father except in the vocational sense as a potter with clay to be molded." Orleanna Price, pg 98.
  • "And poor Leah followed him like an underpaid waitress hoping for the tip." Orleanna Price, pg 98.
  • "I copy down each new word in my school notebook and vow to remember it always when I am a grown-up American lady with a backyard garden of my own. I shall tell all the world the lessons i learned in Africa." Leah, pg 101.
  • "While the little boys ran around pretending to shoot each other and fall dead on the road, it appeared that little girls were running the country." Leah, pg 113.
  • "Father says a girl can't go to college because they'll pour water in your shoes." Ruth May, pg 117.
  • "Hoo, boy! My father didn't like the doctor one bit after that. Saying anything is better than Jesus is a bad sin." Ruth May, pg 122.
  • "Anatole, the schoolteacher, is twenty-four years of age, with all his fingers still on, both eyes and both feet, and that is the local idea of a top-throb dreamboat." Rachel, pg125.
  • "In my life as Adah I must come to my own terms with the predator." Adah, pg 139.
  • "I think Anatole helps our family because his an outsider here too, like us. He can sympathize with our predicament." Leah, pg144.
  • "My father says a girl who fails to marry is veering from God's plan - that's what he's got against college for Adah and me, besides the wasted expense - and I'm sure what he says is true." Leah, pg 149-150.
  • "Nelson says everybody's got their own little God here to protects them, special African ones that live in the little tiny thing they wear around their necks. A gree-gree is what you call it." Ruth May, pg 154.
  • "Anatole said the Congo people don't like owls because an owl flies around at night and eats up the souls of dead people." Ruth May, pg 156.
  • "No matter what happens on God's green earth, Father acts like it's a movie he's already seen and we're just dumb for not knowing how it comes out." Rachel, pg 162.
  • "When I finally got up with sharp grains imbedded in my knees I found, to my surprise, that I no longer believed in God." Adah, pg 171.
  • "I saw a kindness there, and believe he means to protects us, really. Protect us from angry gods, and our own stupidity, by sending us away." Adah, pg 174.
  • "So Mr.Patrice will be the Prime Minister of the Congo now and it won't be the Belgian Congo anymore, it will be the Republic of Congo. And do you think anyone will notice? Oh, sure. They'll all have to go out and get their drivers' licenses changed. In the year two million that is, when they build a road to here and somebody gets a car." Rachel, pg 177.
  • "Then I just crawled in the bed with her , and now that makes two of us that don't feel like getting up ever again." Ruth May, pg 180.
  • "I narrowed my eyes to a hard focus on Patrice Lumumba and tried to understand his words. I was jealous of Adah who picked up anguages easier thatn she could tie her own shoes. I wish I'd studied harder."Leah, pg 183.
  • "Leopoldville is a nice little town of dandy houses with porches and flowery yards on nicepaved streets for the whites, and surrounding it, for miles and miles, nothing but dusty run-down shacks for the Congolese." Leah, pg 183.
  • "At last it is Independence Day, for Methuselah and the Congo." Adah, pg 185.

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