Friday, February 3, 2012

the Poisonwood Bible

Part 1

So, as I mentioned in my previous blog, we started to read a novel "The Poisonwood Bible". I still haven't made much progress with it (shame on me), but I did manage to read about the main characters   - the Price sisters and their mother Orleanna Price. Out of those characters I fell for two of them, Adah Price and Ruth May Price.

Adah Price -  Leah's twin sister Adah is born with a condition called "hemiplegia," which prevents her from using the left side of her body. Rather than view herself with pity, Adah places herself in voluntary exile from the world, looking on as a wry and brilliant observer, rather than an active participant. She too is changed by the Congo; she is pulled into life and forced to admit that she cares enough to participate. She devotes her life to science, becoming a celebrated epidemiologist. (

Ruth May Price  -  Five-year-old Ruth May enters the Congo fierce and adventurous. Without speaking the language she manages to befriend all of the children in the village. After a bad bout with malaria, however, she becomes quiet and spiritless. Obsessively frightened by green mamba snakes, she is ultimately killed by one.


  1. Hello jaanika

    I see that you already did a lot of things in your blog !!
    I like the four words in the top of your blog
    " Live, Laugh, Love, read "
    And nice to meet you :D

    1. I agree with Karim. Live, Laugh, Love, Read - what a formula for contentment!

  2. hey Jaanika.I'm so glad to seeing you here. Welcome to Blogspot :) BTW good summary
